Hydrogen Solutions for Fuel Cell Fleets
Take the worry out of hydrogen supply with BayoTech’s fuel and infrastructure solutions.
Customized Hydrogen Solutions
BayoTech is committed to being your trusted hydrogen solution provider.
Contact us today to join the hydrogen revolution.
Product Data Sheets
Zero-Emission Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Powered by hydrogen, fuel cells provide silent, responsive, consistent, zero-emission power – while only emitting water as a byproduct. Commercial vehicles operating on the road, rail, sea, or air benefit from quick refueling time, long operational range and proven durability.
The benefits are clear, but one challenge remains. For businesses moving to hydrogen, getting an affordable – and reliable – source of hydrogen has been tough.

Your Local Hydrogen Partner
BayoTech’s BayoGaaS™ Hydrogen Hubs are a whole new way to supply hydrogen. We’re building a network of distributed hydrogen production hubs throughout the United States. From these highly efficient production hubs, low-cost, low-carbon hydrogen is delivered directly to your fleet. Because we locate production close to our customers, delivery is short haul – lowering both carbon and costs even further.

Hydrogen Made Easy
BayoTech is taking the complexity out of hydrogen for new users. We’re making it more affordable and accessible to get started using hydrogen. Flexible supply agreements let you purchase hydrogen on a per kilogram basis with minimal infrastructure investment. High-pressure, high-capacity trailers bring hydrogen right to your site to directly fill on-site storage tanks. Modular storage capacity grows with your demand.
Whether you’re fueling a single fuel cell system or 100, count on BayoTech
for hydrogen solutions that are right-sized for your business.
Key Benefits
Hydrogen Solutions for Fleets

Making hydrogen fuel more accessible
for transit agencies with scalable supply and infrastructure solutions.

Supplying hydrogen
and fueling solutions to quickly
and reliably fuel your fleet.